A few months later we announced that we would be parents again in January 2008. The night Kennedy was born Harla, Randy and Christian drove an hour to the hospital to be one of the first to meet her.
For my birthday in 2009 Harla gave me a gift certificate for a cake decorating class and some supplies to get me started. I didn't get to take my class until August of 2009. At this time I was pregnant again with our 3rd daughter and I loved being able to get out of the house for the hour a week. When Harla gave me my birthday gift that year it was like she had known me my whole life and knew that I would fall in love with cake decorating. She was right!! I loved it and became instantly hooked. Harla and I finally had a hobby to talk about.
The month of September was a very hard month for Harla as she struggled with the breast cancer she had been fighting for 3 years. I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Alexis Grace (Lexi Lu) and Harla kept telling me that Lexi wasn't going to come until she (Harla) was strong enough to meet her. I believe she was right. Lexi was born on October 9th and she met her a week and a half later.
This last part is tough for me. I type this with tears in my eyes. Harla was in the hospital in Dubuque, IA and we drove down with Kennedy and Lexi to see her. I'm not sure how long we were there for but I know it wasn't long enough. The whole time Harla laid in her bed and held little Lexi while she slept. The nurses were so very happy that Harla and Lexi got to meet. We talked for awhile then Kennedy decided that Grandma needed some chips. It was so unbelievably cute as Kennedy was feeding Harla. As the time wore on Kennedy became increasingly bored and ready to go home. I left some recent pictures of her granddaughters with her as we packed up to drive back to Madison. My only regret is that I didn't give her one last hug before leaving. My arms were full of baby stuff and I thought I would see her again.
On October 25th 2009 Harla went home to be with God. It was a cold dreary day much like today. We are told that she is glad she was able to meet Lexi before passing. We are also told that she was hanging onto the pictures I gave her as she took her last breath. Words can't even describe the pain we felt in the coming days leading up to the funeral. It took me awhile to process it all. Between taking care of a newborn and 20 month old I was exhausted and hormonal. At the funeral they played a song called "I can only imagine" by MercyMe. It was at that moment that I let all my grief out that had been building up over the last week.
Harla, you were an amazing woman, mother, and grandma. We will forever miss you and never stop loving you.