Hi everyone,
Sorry that I haven't written in awhile. We've been busy getting ready for Christmas. Last week the girls and I decorated cookies to take to our wonderful neighbors right next door. They hold a special place in our hearts, especially this time of year. See, we do not own a snow blower, just a plain ol' snow shovel. With the winters we have been having the past couple of years we really get a workout shoveling. When we get a good amount of snow they are always right there snow blowing our driveway before we even think about moving the snow. They don't do it because we ask, they are just great people and do it out of the kindness of their heart.
So the girls and I made them some cookies. The first night we went to deliver them they weren't home. Mackenzie was so sad. She is such a sweet girl and she wanted to thank them for helping us out. Mackenzie did get to deliver the cookies the next night. She was so proud of the cookies her and her sister had decorated. I'm sure that our neighbors will be getting a lot of cookies this snow season.
Yesterday, I made gingerbread men for the first time ever, from scratch. It was also the first time I actually ate one. I told Kennedy the night before that we were going to make them. She was up at 6:30 yesterday morning wanting to make cookies. She had to wait of course. Kennedy was such a good helper cutting out the cookies and even helped with decorating and clean-up.
All this talk about cookie making reminds me to stop and take in the little things this time of year. A kind neighbor who helps you out, a grateful child and the wonders God creates. The snow is falling really hard right now and the city is going to be at a stand still tomorrow. (We are forecasted to get up to 10 inches tonight.) I hope everyone takes to the time to take in the little things. God is so amazing and his beauty is all around us we just need to take the time to see it.