If you were to ask me a year ago if I thought I would be where I am now or have had the experiences I’ve had I would of thought you were crazy. It was this time last year that I decided to join a Life Group at Hidden Valley. My Life Group has been one of the best experiences of my life. These ladies are awesome. I have grown so close to them and to God. I have made some extraordinary friends who helped us out during a difficult time by showing us God’s love. But let us fast forward to life now.
In the time since I joined my Life Group, I have read several books; one in particular really stretched me. I read the book Radical by David Platt. This book is truly amazing. Radical challenges you to let God take over and have Him use you for His good. As a result I have a new venture starting this weekend. This Sunday is the debut of the 3-2-1 Movement at Hidden Valley Community. Click here to see more information on this.
Have you asked God to stretch you today? Go ahead, do it. You never know what you are going to get.