I am, no joke, currently reading 5 books. One for Life Group, 2 on parenting, one on craving God and one on having a relationship with God. The one that inspires this post today is called God is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg. In Chapter 8 he talks about how God can flow through you. You are either a resistor or a conductor. Here is the paragraph that really resonated with me:
“I did an electrical experiment in church one time. I brought in a scientist with a Ph. D. so that if someone got electrocuted, it wouldn’t be me. We turned off the lights, hooked up an ordinary pickle to some wires, then passed an electrical current through it. The pickle glowed. It gave light to a room with thousands of people. It was not a huge amount of light – not enough to read by. But there was light.
If God can make a pickle glow, what can he do through you?”
I read that last sentence about a dozen times. Think about it for a bit, if God can make a simple, crunchy, delicious pickle glow, what can he do through you?
I know what I would like God to do through me. I would like Him to transform me into the woman he wants and needs me to be. I would like Him to use me to bring peace and happiness to those in my world. I would love for God to use me to show his love through my words and actions.
Until next time ~