Well, the new year is here. And like most people in the world I have some new goals to set for 2011. This year we are going to have 4 separate categories for our goals; Personal, Family, Couple and Financial. Scott and I haven't sat down yet to hammer out the last 3 categories yet and I haven't worked out all the details of my personal goals. But I will let you in on some things that I am going to work on this year.
I am going to work on:
Eating healthier. I know that I don't eat as many fruits and veggies as I should.
Reading 20 books. This one will be easy, I love to read!
Being a more patient mom. This one will need lots of prayers.
Becoming the woman God wants me to be. Again, this one will need lots of prayers.
These are just some of the things on my list. I know there are a few more that I will add. And I know that the only way I am going to change is with God's help. He is the only one that knows my true potential. God is full of so much power and strength that I would be a fool to not tap into some of that and ask for his help. Here's to a new year!