Thursday, September 8, 2011

You never know what you're going to get.

If you were to ask me a year ago if I thought I would be where I am now or have had the experiences I’ve had I would of thought you were crazy.   It was this time last year that I decided to join a Life Group at Hidden Valley.  My Life Group has been one of the best experiences of my life.  These ladies are awesome.  I have grown so close to them and to God.  I have made some extraordinary friends who helped us out during a difficult time by showing us God’s love.  But let us fast forward to life now.

In the time since I joined my Life Group, I have read several books; one in particular really stretched me.  I read the book Radical by David Platt.  This book is truly amazing.  Radical challenges you to let God take over and have Him use you for His good.  As a result I have a new venture starting this weekend.  This Sunday is the debut of the 3-2-1 Movement at Hidden Valley Community.  Click here to see more information on this.

Have you asked God to stretch you today?  Go ahead, do it.  You never know what you are going to get.

Until next time~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Slowing down

As a mom, well even as a human, it seems to be in our nature to want to go fast.  From the time we learn how to get around as a little baby we always want to go fast.   That seems to be my pace lately. Fast. I want to clean the house fast, make dinners fast, get out of the house fast, well you get the idea.  I finished a book recently titled The Hour that Matters Most by Les & Leslie Parrott with Stephanie Allen and Tina Kuna.  The theme of the book is the importance of having family dinners together as often as possible.  The authors also give the reader tips, ideas and recipes. You can check out my review of it here.  I am going to strive to slow down and enjoy dinnertime with my family more often.  We usually rush through it in order to get the kids in the bathtub to start getting them ready for bed.

I am also going to slow down my day-to-day activities.  Yesterday morning instead of tackling my usual chore list I took the kids for a walk around the neighborhood.  The girls love to go on walks and seems to calm them down when they are going stir crazy.  I need to remember that my priorities are not the same as God’s priorities.  Taking the time to go for a simple walk really clears my head and opens my heart to hear what God needs me to get done for the day.  I will leave you with this verse from Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Until next time~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Lately I have been struggling with control.  Control in all areas of my life.  Self-control, trying to control the cleanliness of our house, controlling our children, controlling our money and how it is spent, etc. you get the idea.

Then this past Sunday we went to church and Pastor Brian gave a sermon on Leadership.  Now I’m sure you are wondering how a sermon on Leadership has anything to do with control. Let me explain.  A few months ago I had a dream involving starting a project.  And when we went to church this past Sunday I started thinking about this project again.  Now in order to get this project started I need to have Leadership and ask God to help me with my control issues.  There are so many things that are going to have to be in His hands, things that only He can control. 

As I go through my daily activities I have to remember to stop controlling and ask God to show me what He needs me to do today.  I need Him to show me who He wants me to serve, love and lead.

Until next time~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Job, career or calling?

I've been pondering how I view being a stay-at-home mom and housewife for the past view days.  Then I read about it in the John Ortberg book I'm (still) reading - The me I want to be: becoming God's best version of you.

He says there are 3 orientations people take toward their work.  (Paraphrased from the book.)
  • The first is a job.  You focus on a way to make money and pay the bills.  
  • The second is a career.  Here your motivation is slightly different.  You focus on advancement and prestige.  Your feelings are based on how much success it is creating for you. 
  • The third is to view your work as a calling.  Any work that has meaning, that can be a blessing to people and to the earth, can be a calling.  A garbage collector may see what he does as part of making the world a cleaner and safer place and therefore has a calling.
There are days when taking care of the girls can be challenging.  The weather isn't nice enough for them to go outside, making them crabby and bouncing off the walls.  I didn't sleep well the night before leaving me crabby and cranky.  And on top of those two things nothing seems to go the way I think they ought to.

After I read how people view their work it caused me to stop and really take it in.  Now instead of seeing motherhood and cleaning life as a job I see it as a calling.  I remind myself that God has called me, yes me, to be the mother of my 3 precious girls and wife of my amazing husband.   It's no longer my "job" to take care of them, do the laundry, clean the house and make the meals.  It's my calling.

How do you view your work?  Job, career or calling?

Until next time~

Saturday, July 9, 2011

God's in the room

My mom is lending me her copy of the latest book they finished in her Life Group.  It's The Me I Want to Be, becoming God's best version of you By John Ortberg.  In it I recently read this sentence from page 134 "The goal of prayer is to live all of my life and speak all of my words in the joyful awareness of the presence of God."

There are a lot of days where I pray as if I'm just talking to myself.  I'll say "Lord, please keep me calm with the girls today."  But really I'm just talking to myself.  I forget that God is always here with us.  I need to remember that He's in the room with me, watching my every move and hearing every word.  I have to remember that He's present with us always.  He's the best friend that never goes away.  I can tell Him anything.

Until next time~

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am feeling very thankful today. Yesterday was Mackenzie's last field trip of her Kindergarten year. (Her last day is Friday.) My mom and Marvin arrived very early in the morning to watch Kennedy and Lexi so I could help chaperon the trip to the zoo.  I am so thankful that they were able to help us out.  Not only was I able to enjoy the morning at the zoo watching my little girl with her friends.  My girls were able to spend some quality time with their grandparents.  Thank you Mom and Marvin!!

I am also very thankful that Mackenzie had such a wonderful teacher.  Ms. Mackman is very kind, caring, patient, smart, firm etc..  All the qualities that make for a great Kindergarten teacher.  I love watching her interact with the kids.  As parents we couldn't of asked for a better teacher.  Mackenzie adores Ms. Mackman and I know she is going to miss seeing her everyday.  Thank you Ms. Mackman!!

I would also like to say thank you to the principal at Olson Elementary.  Mrs. Emmerich is so amazing.  Every time I see her she always has a smile on her face.  She is such a positive person.  She is a constant presence in the school and all the students look up to her as well.  Thank you Mrs. Emmerich!!

Until next time~

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I miss my sisters

Last Friday the 20th was the last Friday morning group until fall.  I already miss my sisters.  They are some of the best women I know.  I feel better about myself and life just by being around them.  I hope they know how much they mean to me.  I never thought that I could develop such meaningful friendships.  Ones where I can bear my insecurities and doubts and instead of them judging me they turn to me with encouragement and love.  I hope that I have been able to provide them the same love they have given me.

I can't wait until group starts again in the fall.  I'm really hoping that Lorie will have us all out to her place.  She tells us there are some nice fish in her pond.  :)

Until next time ~

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The glow of a pickle

I am, no joke, currently reading 5 books.  One for Life Group, 2 on parenting, one on craving God and one on having a relationship with God.  The one that inspires this post today is called God is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg.  In Chapter 8 he talks about how God can flow through you.  You are either a resistor or a conductor.  Here is the paragraph that really resonated with me:

“I did an electrical experiment in church one time.  I brought in a scientist with a Ph. D. so that if someone got electrocuted, it wouldn’t be me.  We turned off the lights, hooked up an ordinary pickle to some wires, then passed an electrical current through it.  The pickle glowed.  It gave light to a room with thousands of people.  It was not a huge amount of light – not enough to read by.  But there was light.

            If God can make a pickle glow, what can he do through you?”

I read that last sentence about a dozen times.  Think about it for a bit, if God can make a simple, crunchy, delicious pickle glow, what can he do through you?

I know what I would like God to do through me.  I would like Him to transform me into the woman he wants and needs me to be.  I would like Him to use me to bring peace and happiness to those in my world.  I would love for God to use me to show his love through my words and actions.

Until next time ~

Sunday, April 17, 2011

One baby, 5 stitches and the love of God

Last night as our youngest daughter was taking a bath I sat on the floor next to her reading one of the 4 books I'm reading at the moment.  It was rather peaceful.  As I sat enjoying the few minutes of uninterrupted reading time Lexi happily played and splashed in the water.  I glanced at the clock and decided I would get her out in 5 minutes, 6:45 p.m.

About two minutes after my decision something horrible happened.  Lexi stood up to reach for a toy and before I could even open my mouth to tell her to sit back down she slipped and smacked her chin on the side of the tub.  She stood back up crying and just as I got to the tub to comfort her, blood started running out of her now gapping cut on her chin down her chest.  I quickly swooped her up and wrapped her in the first bath towel I could get my hands on.

I carried her, craddled in my arms, to the kitchen and yelled for Scott to come help me.  We examined her chin and decided she needed to go the Emergency Room to see if she needed stitches.  We bandaged her up and dressed her in some warm comfy pjs for her trip to the doctor.

As Lexi and I sat in the waiting room waiting for the nurse to call us back my stomach was in knots.  I was pretty sure she needed stitches but was hoping she didn't. I prayed for God to bring me some peace and calm my nerves.  How was I going to hold her still while they stitched her up?  What would they give her so it didn't hurt?  How much would she cry?

All I can say is the nurses at St. Mary's Hospital are awesome.  The first nurse quickly came in with some numbing stuff for Lexi's chin after deciding she would in fact need stitches.  Then she came back with the cutest little stuffed toys for Lexi to have and take home.  The gentleness and warmth they showed both Lexi and myself was very comforting.  I know that the nurses are trained to deal with frightened children and distraught mothers.  But this was exceptional care.  You could tell that they truly love what they do.  When it came time to stitch up Lexi's chin a second nurse joined us who was just as wonderful as the first.  They quickly swaddled Lexi up in a sheet to keep her still and her arms down.  One nurse held her shoulders down and the other held her head still.  Leaving me free to just comfort and talk to Lexi, all the while trying to not Lexi see me crying for her. (I just wanted to take her place as she was so scared.)  The doctor was as gentle as the nurses.  Taking great care to go slow and be precise.

When we were all done and Lexi was discharged we left knowing that God had worked through the wonderful people at St. Mary's.  He showed us His love and comfort with the caring staff He sent into our ER room last night.  It's important to remember that God shows us His love through the people He puts in our lives.  Whether it's our long time friends or wonderful nurses and doctor in an Emergency Room.

Until next time~

Friday, April 1, 2011

Humbling myself before God and the result.

The beginning of this week started with me writing in my prayer journal.  I was humbling myself before God.  I know that the only way anything is going to happen in my life is if I rely on God to do it.  I’ve thought it in my head before.  But there is something powerful about putting it on paper.  For some reason it made it seem more real, more authentic.  Here is the result…   

Some people will tell you that it is impossible to feel God’s love.  And until recently I would of agreed with them.  I’ve always known that God loves us, that He loves me.  But I have never experienced it.  I thought that it would come as a form of feeling coming over me at random or a thought in my head.  Oh, who am I kidding, I had no idea how I was going to experience it.

If you ask my husband he will tell you that I would rather be serving then to be served and he would be right.  This week I didn’t know that God’s love was going to come in the form of “Jesus with skin on” (AKA someone serving us).  Let me explain; God showed me just how much He cares about my family and I through the acts of complete strangers.  I never knew that God could fill a building with such love and joy before. Without going into detail just know this- it is possible to feel God’s love and comforting arms around you.

Until next time ~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I realized today that it's been a month since my last post.  I often have ideas and thoughts through out the day that I think would be a great post.  And then life happens.  The girls get me distracted and being a mom takes over.  The thing is God doesn't do that to us.  He never gets distracted from taking care of us.  He never puts off what needs to be done.

With that being said this week is about trust.  I've always struggled with trusting those around me and letting them in.  But with Gods help I've been letting new people into my life.  And this past week I opened up to them and it scared me to death.  I knew that God was with me and it was what needed to be done.  The support and love I received overwhelmed me.  I wasn't shamed or looked down upon, just loved.

Now, God is asking me to trust Him that he is going to take care of us.  On our bathroom mirror is written "We need to trust, we need to trust, we need to trust!"  We have to trust that he will take care of us, his children.  We need to know that we are loved.

Until next time~

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What I didn't do last week.

It been a very different week here at the Philipps' house.  One that I admit hasn't been focused on God.  With Scott and I starting our lifestyle change I was focused on that.  Reading books and cookbooks about it.  Thinking about it; what I'm going to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Cruising the Atkins website for tips, recipes and encouragement.  I spent a lot of time talking to Scott about it.  How I'm feeling both mentally and physically, what we are going to have for dinner that night.  

What I didn't do this week I realized Thursday with Life Group the next morning. I realized that I didn't spend time with just God.  I didn't read my bible.  I didn't ask God what he wants from me.  I didn't pray to Him like I usually do.  I didn't seek the wisdom and encouragement that only my Father in heaven can provide.  And you know what, I felt something was missing.  But I am grateful that God always takes me back with open arms.

So I am going to start this week over.  I'm going to reconnect with God and make sure that I put him first in everything I do.

Until next time~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our Path

"Direction, not intention determines destination."   - Andy Stanley

In our Friday morning Life Group we are reading the book The Principal of the Path by Andy Stanley .  As my good friend Cherie wrote on her blog. "Each choice we make from the food we put into our mouths, to the books we read, to how we spend our money has brought us to where we are today.  The cool thing is we can change directions at anytime and as a result, change our destination."

When Scott and I met I was 140 lbs and a size 6.  Granted I have had 2 more kids since May 19, 2007.  With the busyness that is our life with the 3 girls our eating habits took a turn for the unhealthy.   I am now 45 heavier and in the double digits for my pants.  Most people would be ashamed to reveal this.  But I look at it this way, it is what it is.  As Dr. Phil says " You can't change what you don't acknowledge."   Now I'm not alone in this.  As our motto is : We are a team and in this together.

So, we have decided to change our path.  We are making a life style change, together.  We are beginning the Atkins Diet, together.  The key word here is together.  Scott has done this twice before with great success.  He has attempted it several times in the past 3 years and hasn't been able to keep up with it.  So this time we are going to use each other as support as we adjust to changing our eating habits.  Life can be tough and we tend to turn to unhealthy things for comfort.  Now we are going to be relying on each other and on God as we slim down, increase our energy and make our bodies nice and healthy.

Until next time~

Monday, February 7, 2011


As you know I’ve been having difficultly connecting with God lately.  Truth be told I’ve been feeling disconnected from Scott and those around me as well.  I know that you get out of relationships what you put into them.  I also know that Scott and I need to get out on more dates than we actually do.  With having 3 kids, working and our closest family is 35 minutes away; dates are few and far between.

When I found out that the Rock and Worship Roadshow was going to be in Madison on February 5th I decided that Scott and I were going.  It was an executive decision and I really should have consulted my husband about it first, but I didn’t.  Oops.  I did tell him the day before that if he didn’t want to go then we didn’t have to.  He said that because I was excited about it we could go.  Besides the tickets were only $10 so we didn’t have much to lose.  We had no idea what to expect.  I knew that there were going to be several bands there but that was it. Scott was afraid that it was going to be boring.

We arrived about 15 minutes before the show was set to start.  Tickets were first come first serve and the people were still flooding in.  We found 2 seats in a very good spot where I could easily take some pictures.  We settled in and just took in all the people that were there, must have been thousands.  What I loved the most was seeing all the kids there.  Little kids there with their parents and teenagers there with a group of friends.  Seeing all the kids really gives me some hope for the world.  They are the ones to come after my time here is done; knowing that they are followers of Christ is awesome.

The first band to play was  the Afters. Then Matt MaherWhat really surprised us was the third band, Disciple.  Wow is all we could say.  They are hard. hard rock.  A lot of head banging, jumping around and shouting.  We had no idea what they were saying.  But there were 3 boys a few rows down from us that were really enjoying them, head banging themselves.  Next up, the final act of the night, Mercy Me.  I love this band.  Their songs are on the radio a lot and we sing them in church.  In 2009 when my dear mother-in-law passed away we played the song ‘I can only imagine’ by Mercy Me.  To this day I still tear up and cry upon hearing this song.  That night was no different.  It was one of the last songs they played.  When it started I just joined arms with Scott and let the tears flow.  There is so much that Harla has missed over the last 15 months and the pain of her absence is still present.

The presence of God was truly there that night in the Coliseum.  It’s not something that I know how to put into words but I’ll try.  One could describe it as the good feeling you get after a baby is born or at a wedding.  But it’s different.  This feeling is for something, someone much, much bigger than we can even imagine.  I left the concert feeling incredibly at peace, connected with God and reconnected with Scott.  There is so much that life can throw at us to cause us to take our focus off God.  And when we take the focus off God we end up taking the focus off each other.  When that happens there is only one thing we can do.  Make the effort to put into our relationships what we want to get out of them.

Until next time~

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I just can't get it together.

These past few days have been weird.  With the snow coming, most everyone in the house is sick and doing my usual duties around the house I've been feeling very disconnected from God.  I have a couple of books that I'm reading right now.  One on my own and the other one is for Life Group that starts up again on Friday.  I talk to Him almost hourly (raising a 3 year old requires a lot of help) and talk about Him daily. Yet, I still feel far away.

I read once that God with purposefully pull away to test us.  I feel it happening know.  But He won't get rid of me that easily =)  I'll keep plugging along.  We have an exciting weekend coming up.  On Saturday Scott and I are going on date to the Rock and Worship Roadshow here in Madison.  Singing Christian music with others always helps me feel close to God.  And on Sunday we are having a party with family and friends.  Celebrating something reminds me of the blessings He has placed in my life.

Until next time~

Friday, January 14, 2011

Do not be afraid.

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic… for the Lord your God with personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Our neighbors next door have 2 dogs, an older black collie type and a young black and white bird dog.  Kennedy loves seeing them; actually she loves seeing any dog.  Kennedy has been in love with dogs and puppies since she was a baby.  She loves to look at them, watch them play and petting them.  She really likes it when they are outside when she is.

Lexi on the other hand is completely opposite.  Whenever the dogs next door are outside and start barking she freaks out.  There is a fence that separates our yard from theirs so there is no threat of them getting to her.  Yet she stills cries when they jump up and down and bark.  Even if she is in the house and can hear them she runs to the opposite end of the living room crying until Scott or I pick her up to comfort her.  Lexi has a built in fear and needs her mom or dad to help her through it.

We all have things or situations we fear that cause us to run away crying.  The question is who/what do you turn to for comfort?  Personally I tend to run to food for comfort.  When I am afraid and upset I go to the kitchen and find something to ease my mind and feelings.  What I am learning to do is turn to God, to run to his arms for comfort.  It is hard to be open and honest with God.  And that is one thing that is on my list of things to work on in 2011.  I want God to take the place of the food I use to comfort my anxious heart and mind.  I know that God wants that to.

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalm 94:19

Until next time~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The way God works.

I love watching God work in the lives of those around me.  Today I got the honor of meeting the boyfriend of one of my best friends.  My friend Jolean is such a wonderful person.  She is so sweet and always looking out for those around her.  A few years ago she came out of a bad relationship and could of easily given up hope of finding the person that would love her like she deserves.  

Meeting Dan today was such an honor for me because I know how happy he makes her.  He is such a nice, sweet guy.   Like the rest of us their life isn't perfect.  Dan has been out of work for quite some time now and at the same time Jolean has been looking for new work.  But they remain supportive of each other, knowing that God is going to take them where He needs them to be.  This week alone they both had job interviews at places that would be great for both of them.

I've told Jolean to let me know when to start practicing her wedding cake and believe that someday I will be doing just that.  I am so happy for her and Dan, God has definitely brought them together for a reason.
Until next time~

Monday, January 3, 2011

New year, new changes

Well, the new year is here.  And like most people in the world I have some new goals to set for 2011.  This year we are going to have 4 separate categories for our goals; Personal, Family, Couple and Financial.  Scott and I haven't sat down yet to hammer out the last 3 categories yet and I haven't worked out all the details of my personal goals.  But I will let you in on some things that I am going to work on this year.

I am going to work on:
Eating healthier.  I know that I don't eat as many fruits and veggies as I should.
Reading 20 books.  This one will be easy, I love to read!
Being a more patient mom.  This one will need lots of prayers.
Becoming the woman God wants me to be.  Again, this one will need lots of prayers.

These are just some of the things on my list.  I know there are a few more that I will add.  And I know that the only way I am going to change is with God's help.  He is the only one that knows my true potential.  God is full of so much power and strength that I would be a fool to not tap into some of that and ask for his help.  Here's to a new year!

Until next time~