About two minutes after my decision something horrible happened. Lexi stood up to reach for a toy and before I could even open my mouth to tell her to sit back down she slipped and smacked her chin on the side of the tub. She stood back up crying and just as I got to the tub to comfort her, blood started running out of her now gapping cut on her chin down her chest. I quickly swooped her up and wrapped her in the first bath towel I could get my hands on.
I carried her, craddled in my arms, to the kitchen and yelled for Scott to come help me. We examined her chin and decided she needed to go the Emergency Room to see if she needed stitches. We bandaged her up and dressed her in some warm comfy pjs for her trip to the doctor.
As Lexi and I sat in the waiting room waiting for the nurse to call us back my stomach was in knots. I was pretty sure she needed stitches but was hoping she didn't. I prayed for God to bring me some peace and calm my nerves. How was I going to hold her still while they stitched her up? What would they give her so it didn't hurt? How much would she cry?
All I can say is the nurses at St. Mary's Hospital are awesome. The first nurse quickly came in with some numbing stuff for Lexi's chin after deciding she would in fact need stitches. Then she came back with the cutest little stuffed toys for Lexi to have and take home. The gentleness and warmth they showed both Lexi and myself was very comforting. I know that the nurses are trained to deal with frightened children and distraught mothers. But this was exceptional care. You could tell that they truly love what they do. When it came time to stitch up Lexi's chin a second nurse joined us who was just as wonderful as the first. They quickly swaddled Lexi up in a sheet to keep her still and her arms down. One nurse held her shoulders down and the other held her head still. Leaving me free to just comfort and talk to Lexi, all the while trying to not Lexi see me crying for her. (I just wanted to take her place as she was so scared.) The doctor was as gentle as the nurses. Taking great care to go slow and be precise.
When we were all done and Lexi was discharged we left knowing that God had worked through the wonderful people at St. Mary's. He showed us His love and comfort with the caring staff He sent into our ER room last night. It's important to remember that God shows us His love through the people He puts in our lives. Whether it's our long time friends or wonderful nurses and doctor in an Emergency Room.
Until next time~