As you know I’ve been having difficultly connecting with God lately. Truth be told I’ve been feeling disconnected from Scott and those around me as well. I know that you get out of relationships what you put into them. I also know that Scott and I need to get out on more dates than we actually do. With having 3 kids, working and our closest family is 35 minutes away; dates are few and far between.
When I found out that the Rock and Worship Roadshow was going to be in Madison on February 5th I decided that Scott and I were going. It was an executive decision and I really should have consulted my husband about it first, but I didn’t. Oops. I did tell him the day before that if he didn’t want to go then we didn’t have to. He said that because I was excited about it we could go. Besides the tickets were only $10 so we didn’t have much to lose. We had no idea what to expect. I knew that there were going to be several bands there but that was it. Scott was afraid that it was going to be boring.
We arrived about 15 minutes before the show was set to start. Tickets were first come first serve and the people were still flooding in. We found 2 seats in a very good spot where I could easily take some pictures. We settled in and just took in all the people that were there, must have been thousands. What I loved the most was seeing all the kids there. Little kids there with their parents and teenagers there with a group of friends. Seeing all the kids really gives me some hope for the world. They are the ones to come after my time here is done; knowing that they are followers of Christ is awesome.
The first band to play was the Afters. Then Matt Maher. What really surprised us was the third band, Disciple. Wow is all we could say. They are hard. hard rock. A lot of head banging, jumping around and shouting. We had no idea what they were saying. But there were 3 boys a few rows down from us that were really enjoying them, head banging themselves. Next up, the final act of the night, Mercy Me. I love this band. Their songs are on the radio a lot and we sing them in church. In 2009 when my dear mother-in-law passed away we played the song ‘I can only imagine’ by Mercy Me. To this day I still tear up and cry upon hearing this song. That night was no different. It was one of the last songs they played. When it started I just joined arms with Scott and let the tears flow. There is so much that Harla has missed over the last 15 months and the pain of her absence is still present.
Until next time~