Friday, November 5, 2010

I hope I would do the right thing.

Tonight after the girls were in bed I was watching one of my favorite shows on ABC called What Would You Do?  I love watching this show.  Just seeing all the folks stand up for what they believe in and doing the right thing is moving.  At the time of the situation the folks don't know that everyone involved are actors.  But before the person leaves the host steps in and lets them know that it isn't real.

I always hope that if I saw something going wrong that God would give me enough courage to stand up for someone in need.  Life is scary and unpredictable, you never know how someone is going to react. I hope that God would tell me what to do and how to do it.  I just hope that I'm listening when he tells me. 

I know that God uses us all in ways that are part of His big plan.  He puts in certain places for a reason.  Make sure you are paying attention.

So my question for you is - Do you know what you would do?

Until next time ~ Anita

1 comment:

  1. This is a huge struggle for me...and for a lot of people I know. I've been working on the "listening" a lot this past year, and you're right it IS scary when unpredictable situations happen, but I have a sense of peace about things more than ever before. Isn't God awesome!
