On Easter Sunday our dryer decided it was going to be done working. As much of an inconvenience as it is to not have a working dryer I decided I was just going to grin and figure out a way to be able to dry our clothes without having to load everyone up and take them to the laundry mat.
The next day Scott told me to string up some cord in the laundry room and line dry our clothes.
Having to hang our clothes really caused me to slow down. It only took me a few extra minutes with each load to hang them up instead of throwing them in the dryer. The mindless activity was a great way to connect with God. With each article of clothing I would say a little prayer for the person it was for. A dress for Kennedy- "Lord, please help her know her self-worth isn't in her clothes." One of Scott's work shirts- "Lord, please help him to have a great day at work, striving to work for you instead of for men."
It took over a week for our dryer to be fixed and in a small way I kind of miss hang our clothes up to dry. One thing I do not miss though is cardboard stiff towels. :)
Very nice...