Friday, May 25, 2012

5 years of marriage

Growing up I knew that there just had to be that one person out there that God made just for me.  Then as the years went by I started to doubt that.  I made choices that I knew God was not happy with and was certain He had given up on me.  I was going to be alone for the rest of my life.  I had little faith that God was still on my side.

Then I met Scott while selling cars.  Long story short I fought for a long time with God.  I thought I knew better.  Really?  I thought I knew better than the almighty Creator.  How arrogant am I?  Once I finally gave in I realized that God knows what He is doing.  When Scott finally asked me to married him I was so excited I could barely contain myself.  As soon as we got back in the truck I sent a text to everyone I knew announcing the news.

The day we got married, May 19, 2007, was the best day of my life.  I know I may get some flak for saying this but yes the day I got married trumps the day my kids were born.  But don't worry the day they were born is 2nd.  =)

 Getting my hair done.  I wanted to make sure I looked 
my best for my soon to be amazing husband.
 Me with Mackenzie.  She walked me down the aisle.  A great moment during the ceremony was hearing her yell "That's my mommy and daddy up there."

 Reading our vows.
Lighting the unity candle
 We both love the picture.

We had Kennedy less than a year after we were married.  She entered our lives in January of 2008.
 Holding Kennedy before taking her home from the hospital.
 Our first date after Kennedy was born.  Scott knew I would love the winery.
 Lexi joined us in October of 2009.
 Another date night for my birthday.

 Us this past Mother's Day.  Picture taken by our oldest daughter Mackenzie, now 7 years old.

I have learned so much these past 5 years.

I love Scott more than the day we got married.
I love more deeply than I thought was possible.
I know that God is the one that brought us together.
I would do anything to make my husband happy.
I am still in love with my husband.
Scott is an amazing father.  He loves his kids so very much.
I love doing the little things for Scott.
It takes work to keep a marriage going.
Dates nights are still a lot of fun.
I am going to be with my husband forever.

Happy belated 5th anniversary Sparky.  I love you!!

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